July 22, 2021

5 interior design trends that are shaping homes in Singapore

Trends come and go, but here are five great ones that we will continue to see in homes here in the coming years.

Top image: Project by MONOCOT

As with all other types of trends, interior design trends in Singapore go through a cycle. In the 1970s terrazzo flooring was all the rage (and yes, it’s back again). In the 1980s bold colours made a statement in many homes. And by the 1990s young couples began using country-style elements. If you’re wondering which interior design trends we’ll continue to see in the coming years, read on.

#1 Japandi Design

design trends Japandi style Parenthesis
Project by Parenthesis. See full feature here

Japandi design weaves Scandinavian functionality with the Japanese minimalist design philosophy. At first glance, Japanese and Scandinavian styles seem to be quite different from one another but when placed together, the result is a symbiotic blend of clean lines, bright spaces and natural elements that produces a calming aesthetic.

The Japandi style places emphasis on simplicity and sustainability. If you’d like to adopt this design in your home, choose neutral colours like beige and terracotta. You’ll also want to source for furniture made of natural material with clean finishing instead of bulky furniture items. Lastly, Japandi design focuses on bespoke craftsmanship, and elegant and timeless pieces that are made to last. So when you shop for your Japandi home, think of your purchases as worthy investments.

#2 Biophilic Interiors

Project by The Merry Men Interiors

Biophilic design is the technical term for design and architecture that focuses on bringing nature into the home. In other words, it’s all about bringing the outdoors indoors.

Biophilic design is a concept that will surely last since science has proven that being surrounded by nature has health benefits. As the busy city life can deprive some people of the chance to spend time outdoors, biophilic design can bridge this gap.

Want to bring the biophilic design concept into your home? Focus on eco-friendly furnishing, indoor plants, and products made of natural material. While some people may try to use artificial plants to achieve the look, it’s better to opt for authentic foliage if you can, especially ones with good air purifying properties.

If you are not yet ready to give your entire living space a biophilic overhaul, you can always start with something simple and budget friendly like terrariums from InOut Atelier. Those looking for bigger overhaul and with larger spending power can look to vertical garden suppliers like Vertical Green.

#3 Mid-Century Modern 

Project by MONOCOT. See full feature here

Mid-century modern reached the height of its popularity between the 1930s through the 1960s, and it is certainly making a strong comeback. This interior design concept is defined by timeless clean lines, organic forms, minimal ornamentation, and functionality. It is more classic than opulent, and it gives off a vintage vibe rather than a trendy feel. The foundation for this design concept is practical home decor solutions which originated in the aftermath of World War II.

If you’re bored of cookie-cutter modern interiors and are looking for a more nostalgic design, then consider mid-century modern furnishings and accessories for your home. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the vintage gems waiting to be discovered at shops like Hock Siong, Noden and Lorgan’s The Retro Store.

#4 Luxurious Minimalism

Project by Studio Antimatter. See full feature here

While minimalist living encapsulates simplistic living that is free from clutter, luxurious minimalist interior design brings it up a notch with high quality and premium living. Such designs still focus on clean lines and open spaces but rest assure that only the top of the line furnishings are used to provide an elevated living experience. This might imply an investment in a designer Herman Miller chair that becomes an heirloom down the line, or Bang & Olufsen sound system that’s sleek but so understated.

If you find yourself drawn to the luxurious minimalist design style, remember to do your research before splurging, as there are plenty of furniture stores that offer high quality products at more affordable prices.

#5 Multifunctional Spaces

Atim Opla from Ewins

While not a design aesthetic and more a way of living, we have to include multifunctional spaces here because this is a rising trend in homes both here and around the world.

As we spend more time at home, and continue to work from home, it is not surprising that more homeowners are looking for ways to optimise their living space. Creating multifunctional spaces is about having a place to work productively while also having enough room for play and relaxation. Naturally, this points to the need for more multifunctional designs that take up less space but transform and adapt to suit our ever-changing needs. Innovative ideas such as movable walls to divide living spaces when required as well as multifunctional furniture like cabinets with hidden desks will continue to be popular as far as design trends go.

Revitalise your home with a new look

From Japandi design to multifunctional spaces, these are just a few of the interior design trends we’ll see in the coming years. Giving your home a makeover can be an exciting project. The first step is to decide the interior design concept that is best for your family, lifestyle, and budget. To help ease the financial burden, consider shopping around for the right renovation loan based on your preference of loan amount and tenure.

Guest post by ValueChampion Singapore

Look for more design trends and ideas for home? We think you may also like 7 awesome indoor gardens you’ll want to make your own



Tags: biophilic design design trends interior design Japandi design luxurious minimalism mid-century modern multifunctional spaces