February 27, 2014

Legrand New Generation 10″ Touch Screen

Legrand's new generation of multimedia video touch screens gives you complete control of your smart home

Put the control of your home at your fingertips with Legrand’s New Generation 10″ multimedia video touch screen. This powerhouse acts as the command centre of your smart home, allowing you to easily adjust variables like the lighting systems, temperature, multimedia and security cameras.

The touch screen lets you customise your own profiles, so each member of the family can pick his or her own settings for each room. You can also save your preferred settings, so you can easily pick the right mood and temperature by selecting from your presets.
If you’ve set up web cameras at home, or video call capabilities on your front door, this Legrand video screen lets you view multiple cameras at a go. Other features include a web browser and plug-and-play multimedia capabilities.