June 18, 2015

Concha Quartz by Lian Hin

The Concha quartz has a rich imprint that looks exactly like marble, but with the positive properties of quarts: it's stain resistant, scratch resistant and non-porous

The Concha quartz is part of LH Quartz Special Edition collection brought to you by Lian Hin. Unlike regular quartz, this new collection features intricate veins and patterns that replicate the timeless beauty of materials like marble and granite. The Concha quartz has a rich imprint that looks exactly like granite, but with the positive properties of quartz: it’s stain resistant, scratch resistant and non-porous. The LH Quartz Special Edition collection is also NSF certified, meaning that they are safe for food preparation. It’s also Greenguard Certified, which means it is designed for use in indoor spaces as they meet strict chemical emissions limits, which contribute to the creation of healthier interiors.


Tags: Finishes Lian Hin marble quartz