April 16, 2018

Bathroom essentials: easy water heater comparisons

Instant, storage or gas? We’ve put together a comparison table to make shopping for your water heater a breeze.

Text by Disa Tan
Project image, above: Free Space Intent

While we spend a lot of time thinking about how we want out bathroom to look – minimalist, resort spa, urban, hotel luxe inspired, fun and funky – we should also not neglect the fixtures that go into this space.

The water heater is an appliance that most homeowners don’t really give much thought to. But given that it’s used multiple times in a day, it actually deserves careful consideration.

The common water heater types are storage water heaters and instant water heaters, both powered by electricity, with a third contender being water heaters powered by gas. Here are the key factors to consider when buying and installing one.


Tags: A. O. Smith Ariston City gas water heaters