February 23, 2016

Your lucky colours in the Year of the Monkey, based on your birth date

The best colours for your home in 2016 based on your birth date

The dawn of a new year represents the start of many good things to come. Numerologist Jason Lau reveals the best colours for your home in 2016 based on your birth date. By Disa Tan

Before delving into the details, you need to first determine your personal year number. Follow these three steps:

Step 1: Add the numbers of your birth date and the number 2016.

Assuming your birth date is 31st December,

31 + 12 + 2016 = 2059

Step 2: Separate the total number into individual digits and add them up.

2 + 0 + 5 + 9 = 16

Step 3: Repeat step 2 until you get a single digit.

1 + 6 = 7 (your personal year number for 2016)

Now that you have your own personal year number, Jason provides his predictions and recommendations for each individual year number.


Year Number 1

After a long struggle of bad periods, this is a good year to initiate anything. What is over will remain over. If there are things that you have not been able to let go, please do so.  Take on the new challenges ahead!

Best month/s for home activities:

October onwards

Lucky colours:

Yellow, gold & brown

 Interior design by The Orange Cube

Year Number 2

A year of many delays and therefore, frustrations. Your favourite material may be out of stock or your furniture delivery gets rescheduled. Hang in there though; you will get what you wish for in the end.

Best month/s for home activities:

Early April & early August

Lucky colours:

Green, cream & white

Interior design by Whites D-zigno 

Year Number 3

This is the year whereby you can sit back, socialise and just be yourself. If you plan to invite your friends to your house, do see if there are any needs for some minor touch-ups or to add on to your entertaining wares.

Best month/s for home activities:

March, July & December

Lucky colours:

Purple & red

 Interior design by Three-D Conceptwerke

Year Number 4

Your career will be your primary focus. Why not go all out to pursue your dream job? If you are working from home, get the furnishings you need to enhance work efficiency.

Best month/s for home activities:

February, June & November

Lucky colours:

Light grey

 Interior design by Space Vision

Year Number 5

It’s a year of movement. If you are thinking of moving home, go ahead! Or move around anything that can brighten up your home!

Best month/s for home activities:

January, May, late September & October

Lucky colour/s:


 Interior design by Fuse Concept

Year Number 6

This is a domestic year for you. Anything from moving home to renovating your place will be beneficial this year!

Best month/s for home activities:

Late September. Generally a good year.

Lucky colour/s:

Blue & red


Year Number 7

You will be more withdrawn. People will notice that you are quieter than usual. If you feel that you want to spend more time at home, get whatever you need to make yourself comfortable from buying a comfy sofa to upgrading your TV set.

Best month/s for home activities:

March, early August & early December

Lucky colour/s:

Green, white & yellow

Interior design by Atelier Concept

Year Number 8

Your expenses will be high. Instead of spending on frivolous items, splurge on things that will bring better returns in the future. For instance, upgrade your kitchen or put down the deposit for your dream home!

Best month/s for home activities:

February & early August

Lucky colour/s:

Purple & dark blue

Interior design by D’Planner

Year Number 9

This is not a year recommended for moving house or doing any renovations. Don’t fret too much though; things will get better.

Best month/s for home activities:


Lucky colour/s:


Interior design by Free Space Intent


For more details on numerology, visit Jason’s website.