March 19, 2013

Ultimate Room Makeover: APS Lifestyle & Smeg


APS Lifestyle is giving away fabulous Smeg mini-fridge as part of the Ultimate Room Makeover competition!

Smeg fridges are one of those household appliances that many homeowners dream of having in their own home. As part of Lookbox Living’s Ultimate Room Makeover, luxury appliance retailer APS Lifestyle is contributing a Smeg mini-fridge to the prize package.
Why hide something so beautiful in the kitchen? Smeg fridges are meant to be the centre of attention. Placing the mini-fridge in the living room is a great way to make a statement, especially when you’re entertaining guests. The fridge itself exudes style and raises the sense of chic grandeur in a home.
As part of the $25,000 prize package, APS Lifestyle and Smeg want to raise the luxe factor in your home with the FAB 10 mini-fridge!
Want to win a living room worth more than $25,000? Take part in our Ultimate Room Makeover competition!
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