May 25, 2020

Inside Lookbox Living issue 62: great ways to live sustainably

Read Lookbox Living's latest “Future Living” issue for inspirational ways to live green. A FREE digital version of the magazine is also available!

Top image: 775sqft 1-bedroom condo. Design by wee studio. It may sound a little controversial, but if you truly want to embrace sustainability, live in a right-sized house, if not a smaller one.

These unprecedented times have brought untold challenges, but it’s also offering us the chance to relook global systems and processes, and to reset and reshape the world in a more sustainable way.

A life centred on wellbeing and sustainability should be the way forward. In the “Future Living” themed issue of  Lookbox Living (issue 62), we show how you can make a difference with your purchase choices, and in daily practices at home – while saving costs in the long run.

Scroll down for a peek at what’s inside issue 62. Also, with Covid-19 making it more difficult to access our print magazine, we’re offering a FREE digital version of Lookbox Living issue 62 to all readers. Download here and start reading!

#1 Planet friendly products and stores

We have great products to aid your quest for sustainable living, and suggestions on where to go for some green retail therapy. TIP: remember to practice mindful shopping – shop responsibly and shop for quality goods that last. It’ll be good for the environment, and your wallet!

Lookbox Living issue 62 Fisher & Paykel
The Fisher & Paykel WH1260F1 washing machine (left) ensures you use the right wash duration and amount of detergent for your load thanks to ActiveIntelligence™ Technology. When done, get it dry with the energy-efficient DH9060C1 dryer (right)

Buying vintage is one way to go green – you get to enjoy well-crafted, original pieces of furniture without adding to the demand for more. Featured products from Noden

#2 Insights on sustainable materials

Lithoverde® by Salvatori are tiles made from offcuts. Available in Singapore exclusively at Hafary

What makes a material sustainable? Which are the ones we can consider for our homes? How do we recycle right? These questions are answered in our story “Eco-conscious route”.

#3 Practical tips for going green

Why not rely on good air circulation instead of your air conditioner? Design by Rockin Spaces

We offer simple steps to go green and save money in the long run. Examples include investing in water-efficient shower heads, opting for appliances with high ‘Energy Star’ ratings, ensuring good air flow and cross ventilation at home so you use your air conditioner less often, and more. We also have natural DIY cleaning recipes to replace harsh chemical products.

#4 Sustainable homes – an overseas case study

Designed by ArMS, this house features walls clad in locally sourced basalt stone. The material can be reused.

Additions and alterations may not sound as exciting as building a new home from scratch, but they earn more brownie points in sustainability. Indonesian architecture studio ArMS shows how.

Click here for our FREE-to-access digital magazine.



Tags: digital magazine Lookbox Living issue 62 practical tips products Sustainability sustainable homes sustainable materials