September 28, 2012

Evershine Brings Out Your Wild Side

Give your rooms a standout look with inspiration from the wilder side of life

Give your rooms a standout look with inspiration from the wilder side of life. Evershine exclusively reveals the Monte Classic Collection, a range of laminates that feature animal-inspired textures like ostrich skin, crocodile hide and snakeskin. 

Typical laminates come in plain solid colours or woodgraind and natural stone prints; the Monte Classic Collection however, has the characteristics of rich leather with deeply embossed textures. The result is a lavish finish that exudes a sense of enviable opulence and a unique interior that embraces the wilder side of life.
Apart from the unique look and texture, the Monte Classic Collection is also supported by a laminate backer that provides strength and hardiness to ensure a long-lasting surface cover.
Tags: Finishes