August 27, 2022

Cement Screed flooring – Everything you need to know

What is cement screed and how is it made?

What is cement screed flooring?

Screed is a layer of cement and sharp sand which is placed on top of a concrete subfloor. It can also be made with coarse aggregates for a more durable material. Unlike concrete, screed is mixed without water. Screed is much thinner than concrete and is usually only used for a surface layer rather than foundations, walls, or subfloors. Screed can be applied onto solid concrete flooring or precast concrete.

Historically, screed has not been very common in Singapore. However, that is set to change with the popularity of screed rising drastically in buildings across the country. Screed is gaining national attention for its aesthetic potential – the main benefit of screed is that it is much smoother than concrete, making it an easier material to colour and create a more beautiful floor. Screed can also be used on the top of concrete slabs to make it easier to install other flooring such as wood or resin coating. Screed has great thermal properties and can help with insulation.

Screed cement is celebrated in both commercial and residential arenas for its aesthetic appeal. Screed is easy to colour, making it a popular choice for commercial floors and particularly shopping malls as it is a simple style made from a durable material. It is also popular in bathrooms for its smooth texture and industrial-chic appearance.

What is screed flooring made of?

There are a few different materials that can be combined to form screed cement. The most typical floor screed (common in residential areas) is created from a concrete-like mixture with a ratio of 1:3 cement to sharp sand as well as cementitious/latex products, anhydrite binders, and coarse aggregates.

Screed is quite versatile and can serve as the finishing surface layer of an internal floor or as a basis to attach other flooring materials. It is popular for the second purpose because screed is much smoother than regular concrete, so the floor is easier to level. Screed is commonly set underneath timber, carpet, resin coating, natural stone, tile and vinyl flooring.

Cement screed flooring Singapore: pros and cons


  • Cement screed flooring is inexpensive. The price is usually around $14-$28 SGD per square foot
  • Screeding cement is a simple process that can be done at home. The installation of screed cement is a straightforward DIY project that you can learn through YouTube step-by-step guides
  • Cement screed is durable and can last for around 20 years if properly cared for and installed
  • Cement screed will make your floor level
  • Thermal abilities allow for underfloor heating
  • Many different designs and colours to choose from
  • Low maintenance – screed is easy to clean with just a broom or dry cloth.
  • Often comes with long warranties from manufacturers


There are a few challenges to screed flooring as well.

  • Can be slippery – screed floors have a poor slip-rating which could potentially make them dangerous for the elderly, disabled, or young children
  • Long term care – if installed in bathrooms or other areas with high water-exposure, screed will need regular re-sealing because it is not naturally waterproof
  • Not as aesthetically pleasing as other flooring materials when used as a surface layer
  • Liable to fail, meaning that the floor may show cracks, fractures, bleeding or crumbling. This is especially true if the floor was installed incorrectly
  • Difficult to repair if it does crack or wear


Screeding can be difficult if you have not had any experience working with cementitious materials or flooring. However, the process of screeding itself is fairly simple. The floor needs to be prepared and the screed mixed. Then the floor should be sectioned with dividers to ensure that the screed covers each area of the floor with the same thickness.

The screed layer is then applied and once it has covered the area it needs to be levelled (if it is not a self-levelling type of screed). This should be done again until all of the floor is covered. The screed will need time to cure, which usually takes about 7 days. Then it will need time to dry. To be safe, you should allow around 3 weeks before attempting to install any other flooring over the top of fresh-laid screed.

Types of cement screed flooring

Screed is quite versatile and can be used in a variety of flooring applications. However, there are four general types of screed which are used for different purposes.

  • Underfloor screed: the most common type of screed. This screed is used to insulate heating pipes. Screed is more thin than typical insulating materials which will allow for the transfer of heat.
  • Bonded screed: screed that has been fused to the concrete subfloor with a bonding agent.
  • Unbonded screed: a separate final layer that sits on top of the concrete base.
  • Floating screed: usually used for insulation purposes, but separated from the original insulation materials.

Can screed be used for purposes besides flooring?

Screed can be used for a variety of things, though its most common application is flooring. Cement screed walls, stairs, cabinets and benchtops are all fairly commonplace around modern HDB homes. Before installing screed in your home, consider the renovation regulations of your apartment complex and keep your renovation budget in mind.

Screed products and contractors Singapore

Here are some of Singapore’s most trusted screed flooring companies.

3. Flowcrete

Flowcrete is home to the award-winning Isocrete K-Screed flooring range, a durable and high-quality screed floor with excellent moisture control and an easy installation.

2. Master builders solutions

Master builders solutions are known for their heavy duty colour stable floors which will last decades. The Ucrete DP is an exceptionally durable slip resistant flooring with high grip systems perfect for commercial use under heavy traffic.

1. Paramount Construction

Paramount construction provide everything from false ceilings, drywall partition and lighting installation in HDB homes. They are very familiar with the guidelines and regulations for screed in HDB residences and have an outline of everything you need to know before getting started here.