March 25, 2022

Why an Invisible Grille Might be Right for you

Invisible grilles have seen a recent surge in popularity as modern homeowners come to recognize the benefits of an unobstructed view.

Invisible grilles are a subtle alternative to the often unattractive iron bar grilles that are installed over balconies, windows, and staircases. They are made from Stainless Steel 316 wire and fixed into the walls and tightened. The tension of the wire keeps it from bending under force, making it equally as safe as iron grilles without sacrificing aesthetic appeal.

The main reason that grilles are installed is safety. They are commonly used on window frames, balconies, staircases and doors to prevent children or pets pushing through and injuring themselves. Window grilles were first invented in the late 1800s as an anti-theft mechanism, but have quickly become a staple of modern homes especially in high-rise buildings where break-ins from the window are unlikely but a fall would be exceptionally dangerous.

There are a few different styles and types of invisible grilles, though almost all of them are primarily composed of stainless steel wire. Invisible grilles are always sorted into one of two categories: openable (bifold, casement, sliding) and fixed (cannot be moved or opened – require solid concrete wall for installation).

Other styles of invisible grilles include aluminum, slim and horizontal grilles. When considering installing invisible grilles, you should research each of these types to determine what would best suit your home. Generally, fixed invisible grilles are best suited for homes with young children as there is no risk that they might be accidentally opened.

Invisible grilles are known to be fairly pricy. However, this is a small sacrifice to make for safety – especially if that safety comes with minimal detriment to your building’s aesthetic.

On average, the price of invisible grilles will range from about $1000-2000. By comparison: a typical window grill Singapore is usually $450-1000. However, invisible grilles also have a number of benefits that traditional grilles are not technologically advanced enough to offer.

Advantages of invisible grilles:

  • Subtle – the main draw of invisible grilles is that they are, well, invisible. And not ‘invisible’ in the way that Invisalign braces are said to be invisible, these grilles are seriously difficult to see. They will give you unimpeded access to the exact same view you had pre-installation, only now you can rest easy knowing that they are safe as well.
  • Technologically Advanced – because they are so hard to see, these grilles will provide unexpected challenges for anyone hoping to intrude on your property. Their design has been incorporated by a number of security companies and you can purchase alarm/security systems specifically designed to work with invisible grilles.
  • Durable – quality invisible grilles will not rust. Stainless steel is a famously durable material – hence the name – which, over a certain quality level, will not rust. You should be aware that 410 and 304 grade stainless steel will be susceptible to rust. This is why you should make sure that your invisible grilles are made from 316 stainless steel and therefore impervious to rust.

Disadvantages of invisible grilles:

  • Can be a little too subtle – Invisible grilles are almost impossible to see, and this can make them a problem if someone is moving too fast to realize that the grill/glass is closed. Particularly vulnerable to this are children, who might try to run outside or onto the balcony only to hit the glass/grille. Other people at risk of this are those with visual impairments.
  • Pricey – invisible grilles cost a fair bit more than their visible iron counterparts. You will need to find a durable, HDB approved invisible grille model which can cost up to double what a cheap traditional grille might. You may even want to consult a professional designer or contractor to familiarize yourself with the regulations of your region and your grille options.

Invisible grille Singapore: 4 best invisible window grilles designs and brands

4. CSA Invisible Grille

CSA offer a broad variety of invisible grille types and installment options. They are one of the most flexible invisible grille companies in Singapore, and you can customize the cable direction (horizontal, vertical), gap space (2-4 inches) and the method of installation (frame fixed, fixed panel, casement, or sliding).

You can book a free consultation with them here to discuss options, styles, and pricing specific to your home. All CSA products are made with 316 stainless steel and therefore resistant to rust.

3. Endo Grilles: Endurance

Endo Grilles offers one of the most durable and maintenance free grille options on the market. The Endo Grilles endurance all weather cables have an inner core of 316 stainless steel and a specially formulated outer membrane that will resist UV, chemical and heat damage.

If you’re still not convinced; they also have a 7 year rust and membrane warranty assurance. You can read more about the endurance all weather cables here or fill in the details of your project for an instant quote.

2. Meridian Invisible Grilles

Meridian’s Invisgrilles are among the best invisible grille Singapore. They come with your choice of either Nylon and Teflon coating and you can customize the width of the gaps to suit your safety concerns (e.g. closer together for cats and pets vs slightly wider for children). Meridian are a company with a dedication to quality service and they personalize each of their projects.

You can contact them via the phone, email, or even just book an appointment online to discuss your options at any point from Monday-Saturday between 10am-7:30. Their reviews are exceptional, with many satisfied customers posting photos of the professionally installed invisible grills keeping their home safe.

1. Invisible Grille Concept

Invisible Grille Concept is a well-renowned company established in 2009 which has helped to pioneer the invisible window grilles design in Singapore. They have done work on a variety of building types, including BTOs, private apartments, resale flats, offices, and commercial units.

They also have invisible grille ranges with a specialized focus on pets, designed to keep all types of your furry companions safe. Their customer service is one of their strongest assets and you can find their contact details here to receive a personalized quote.