March 22, 2023

9 indoor plants to brighten your home in 2023

Want to change things up at home? Here are fabulous indoor plants to help transform your space.

Top image: Monstera plant. Source: Pexels
Text by Rossara Jamil

Whether you have a green thumb or not, it’s easy to see that indoor plants inject life into the home. Houseplants add colour to the interior and boost the mood by bringing in a slice of nature. Here are indoor plants to invite into your space.

#1 Monstera

The monstera plant, a continuing microtrend in interior design, is loved for its large, showy foliage. It thrives in humidity and diffused lighting, so it’s ideal for indoor environments in Singapore. Water weekly or fortnightly, only when the soil looks dry.

#2 Philodendron

indoor plants Philodendron

For a statement plant, the philodendron is a fast-growing and low-maintenance option with progressively larger leaves. This plant can tolerate low light and bright indirect light. It requires watering every week or fortnight, depending on the placement in the home.

Philodendrum selloum is available at Rooted

#3 Moss terrarium

Moss terrariums are like tiny worlds unto themselves, beautifying sideboards and areas like the foyer or study. While sealed terrariums can do with monthly watering, open moss terrariums would require approximately weekly watering.

Moss terrarium DIY kit is available at Make Your Own

#4 Bonsai

Like mini trees, the sculptural bonsai make a beautiful addition to the home, but they need tender loving care. Depending on the tree species, most bonsai plants must be placed outdoors with full sunlight, so be sure to check that your bonsai is suitable for indoor space. While they need to be watered and fertilised regularly to flourish, ensure the soil is not wet before watering.

Mistwood bonsai is available at Soilboy

#5 String of turtles

Make the best use of vertical space with hanging plants. Ideal for small spaces, the string of turtles is a compact plant with delicate leaves. It loves bright, indirect light and requires water only when the soil is completely dry.

String of turtles is available at Tumbleweed

#6 Begonia

For indoors plants with a touch of glam, look for something with interesting patterns, like the begonia maculate. It thrives in bright indirect light, appreciates high humidity, and requires regular watering without the soil getting soggy.

Begonia maculata is available at The Garden Store

#7 Sansevieria

Sansevieria, also known as the snake plant, comes in many types with sculptural shapes. It prefers medium to bright indirect light, and requires watering only when the soil dries out. Featured here, Zero2.5 sells its sansevieria with a Live Plant Ioniser, which helps remove airborne pollutants.

Plant Ioniser SP2800 is available at Zero2.5

#8 Air plants

Air plants are great for those who don’t like dirt in the home. These indoor plants flourish with bright indirect sunlight or artificial light, and require misting or soaking, making them loved for their low maintenance needs. You can style them in terrariums, frames and other creative displays.

Zenya air plant teardrop geometric terrarium is available at Lush Glass Door

#9 Cacti and succulents

Photo by Teona Swift. Source: Pexels

Cacti and succulents are also low-maintenance options ideal for newbies. Their symmetrical designs would appeal to design lovers too. Place them in a bright spot and water thoroughly only when the soil dries out to help them thrive.

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Tags: Indoor Plants Lush Glass Door Make Your Own nature Plants Rooted Soilboy The Garden Store Tumbleweed Zero2.5