Although this countertop wash basin looks like it has a shallow depth, it is actually designed to contain more water with its tapered shape
This deep basin from Viva Nueva is the right choice for homeowners who are looking for a large, roomy basin when doing the washing up
The freestanding Hatria Sculture Evento basin is a definite showstopper in the bathroom
This clear, bowl-shaped glass basin is a great addition to compact homes
At 600mm by 460mm, the 745 cabinet basin from Living Phenomenon fits comfortably into most modern bathrooms
This medium-sized basin looks great in all sorts of homes, where the gold finish will raise the luxe level without looking gaudy
The silver finish on the CV838 washbasin from Living Phenomenon is sure to add some sparkle to your interiors
Keep your bathroom supplies out of sight with the 7339 Cabinet Basin from Living Phenomenon
Save space with the 822 cabinet basin from Living Phenomenon